Bankruptcy Law
The Bankruptcy Section seeks to promote interest in the field of bankruptcy law and to encourage law students to consider careers in this practice area. The competition is open to all 2nd year and 3rd year law students who attend a law school in Virginia or the District of Columbia.
Papers must be submitted by email to Chair of the Bankruptcy Law Section, Andrea Campbell Davison ( no later than March 31, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. prevailing Eastern time. Papers submitted after this deadline will not be accepted for entry. Your email should contain your full name, the name of your law school, your class year, and your telephone number.
The winner will receive a cash prize of $1,500, a plaque, and have their submission published in the Bankruptcy Law Section's Bankruptcy Law News. The winner and one guest will also receive an invitation to the annual dinner meeting of the Board of Governors of the Bankruptcy Law Section, which will be held on a date TBD in Charlottesville, VA
Students should submit a paper on a current issue of bankruptcy law, jurisdiction, or litigation, either in the consumer or business arena
Papers must be formatted for standard, 8-1/2 x 11 inch paper, double spaced, in PDF format. All margins must be one-inch. Papers must not exceed 10 pages of double-spaced typed text, including footnotes. Papers must use Times New Roman 12 point font. Only one paper is to be submitted for each entrant. Entrants must submit their papers with a title page included, which should contain only the paper's title and will not count towards the page limit. Entrants should write essays in law review style, with full citation to authority in footnotes (10 point font for the footnotes). Papers should follow The Bluebook-A Uniform System of Citation and to the Texas Law Review Manual on Style or William Strunk, Jr. & E.B. White, The Elements of Style.
DO NOT put your name on any page of your paper (including the title page). Judges will grade the papers anonymously.
For more information click here.