Lewis Hall Posting Guidelines
Maximum Number of Fliers, Posters, Etc. for Each Event: 12
Note: For Law School elections, maximum number of fliers will be determined by the VRB.
Postings (signs, fliers, posters, banners, etc.) in Lewis Hall shall adhere to the following guidelines, which are applicable to all students, student organizations, and solicitors:
- Postings should not "run" for more than two weeks.
- All postings should be removed and discarded/recycled within 24 hours after the conclusion of the event.
- All postings should be connected to an approved University/Law School sanctioned event or program by a department.
- All postings must include the date of the event and information regarding the person/organization sponsoring the event.
- Masking tape (or other non-residue tape) must be used to affix the posting to a surface instead of scotch tape to avoid causing damage to surfaces.
- Any violation of these guidelines will result in removal of the posting, as well as other sanctions deemed appropriate by the Associate Dean of Law Student Affairs.
You MAY post in the following areas in Lewis Hall:
- All designated bulletin boards/cork rails, including in the bathrooms on Level 2 and 3.
- All carrels on Level 1 and 2.
You MAY NOT post anywhere else in the building, including the following areas:
- Any doors, windows, glass or brick surfaces, lockers, or in the elevator.
- Any painted surfaces, including columns, anywhere in the building.
- The double glass doors located in the following areas: Level 3 leading into the Moot Court lobby area, the magazine reading area/Circulation Desk, or on Office of Career Strategy.
- In or around any classroom entrance, including the hallways.
For non-law school individuals or other organizations, please contact Susan LeMert (slemert@wlu.edu) for approval. Any posting in violation of these guidelines will be removed and discarded.
Revised 10/1/23