Directions to W&L Law
Lexington is located at the intersection of Interstates 81 and 64. Washington and Lee University is less than two miles from the interstate.
Visitors to W&L Law are encouraged to view the interactive campus map. A PDF version and an accessible version of the map are also available. Google Maps coordinates for the law school are:
37°47'29.0"N 79°26'38.4"W
37.791389, -79.444000
Traveling from the North, South, or East
Follow I-81 to exit 191 (which puts you onto I-64). Next, take exit 55 off I-64. Turn left on to Route 11 south at the stop sign. Once you are on Route 11 south, you will drive through three traffic lights. After the third stoplight, you will cross the Maury River, and bear right onto Route 11 Business.
Proceed to the third stop light which is Nelson Street, and make a right. Go through a light and at the bottom of the hill you will go under an overpass with the Lenfest Center on your left. Turn right onto East Denny Circle. Go approximately 1/4 mile and the Law School is on your left. There is visitor parking at the front of the school. If the visitor parking is full, you are welcome to park in any space, other than those reserved for handicapped, in the law school lot.
Traveling from the West
Take I-64 to exit 55. Turn right on to Route 11 south at the stop sign.
Once you are on Route 11 south, you will drive through three traffic lights. After the third stoplight, you will cross the Maury River, and bear right onto Route 11 Business.
Proceed to the second stop light which is Nelson Street, make a right. Go through a light and at the bottom of the hill you will go under an overpass with the Lenfest Center on your left. Turn right onto East Denny Circle. Go approximately 1/4 mile and the Law School is on your left. There is visitor parking on your left. If the visitor parking is full, you are welcome to park in any space, other than those reserved for handicapped, in the law school lot.
The Office of Admissions is on Level 4 of the law school building.
Sydney Lewis Hall - Floor Plans
First Floor - Parking Lot Entrance, Student Study Area, Black Lung Clinic
Second Floor - Student Organizations, Brief Stop, Powell Archives, Carrels, Clinics (Tax, CLPC, Immigrant Rights)
Third Floor - Classrooms, Career Strategy, Library Reference Desk, Reading Rooms, Student Study Areas, Moot Court Room, Practice Trial Court Room, Criminal Justice Clinic
Fourth Floor - Admissions Office, Faculty Offices, Administration, Law Review
Airport Information
There are a number of airports within a reasonable driving distance of the law school. Roanoke, Charlottesville, and Lynchburg are the closest airports, but Richmond, Dulles, and Reagan National are all within a 2 to 3½ hour drive of campus.
Please consult the below links for more information about these airports:
Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport - http://www.roanokeairport.com/
Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport - http://www.gocho.com/
Lynchburg Airport - http://www.lynchburgva.gov/Index.aspx?page=85
Richmond Airport - http://www.flyrichmond.com/
Dulles National Airport - http://www.mwaa.com/dulles/
Reagan National Airport - http://www.flyreagan.com/dca/reagan-national-airport
Please consult the university's transportation services website for additional information on transportation options.