Wait List Student Frequently Asked Questions Everything you need to know about the Wait List process at W&L Law
- Where am I on the wait list?
- Our wait list is not ranked. We review the files of our entire wait list pool when we have an opening in our class.
- How do you decide which wait listed students are offered admission?
- Just as we do in the initial admissions process, we take a holistic approach to file review. Because the most important factors influencing our selection of students from the wait list often are the characteristics of the class in which we have an opening, it is impossible for us to speculate on the odds that any individual applicant might be offered admission.
- Is there anything I can do to enhance my chance of admission?
- We recommend attending one (or several) of our ongoing Wednesday webinars (the schedule is available here), scheduling a phone or Zoom interview, or submitting a letter of continued interest. This both demonstrates your continued interest in the law school and also helps you to learn more about our offerings. Other than connecting with us personally, there is little to be done other than be patient - every student on the wait list is qualified for admission, and the characteristics of the class in which we have an opening are usually the most important factors in selections. You are welcome to supplement your application with anything you feel may be helpful to us - if you are currently in school, we recommend you provide your spring grades to the LSAC (a supplemental report will automatically be forwarded to us).
- When will I hear something?
- Every year is different, so there is no hard-and-fast answer to this question. In most years, the first point at which we learn of openings in our class is just after our initial deposit deadline (April 15). If our class is full at that juncture, we may be in a position to make offers of admission later in the season-each year a few students who have made an initial deposit decide to attend law school elsewhere; though we typically learn of their decision when our second deposit is due (May 15), seats may become available right up until the start of classes. We realize not every student is able to accept an offer of admission that late in the season-if at any point you no longer wish to be considered, please let us know. We contact students via email, so please be sure to keep your file updated if your contact information changes.
- If I receive an offer of admission, how long will I have to decide?
- Not long, but we do not ask that you give us an instantaneous answer. Early in the cycle (April - June) we typically give students two weeks to accept; later in the season we must require your commitment within a couple of days. A non-refundable tuition deposit will be required to confirm your acceptance.
- What about a merit scholarship?
- It is impossible to tell in advance whether funds will be available for students offered admission from the wait list. Our merit scholarship awards are based heavily on numerical credentials, and that continues to be the case for those offered admission from the wait list.
- What about educational loans?
- If your FAFSA and supporting documentation are on file in the Office of Financial Aid, we will begin to process your paperwork as soon as you accept a seat in our class. Loans you may have arranged at another law school cannot be transferred to W&L Law. Federal regulations require that the loan process be re-initiated. Once you are approved for student loans, the university will allow you to defer payment on your tuition until your loan check arrives; books and supplies from the university bookstore can be charged to your student account.
We understand that you are anxious about an admissions decision. We will keep you updated on our situation as best we can via periodic email messages.