Visiting Students
A visiting student is a student enrolled in a J.D. program at an ABA approved law school who has a need to study at Washington and Lee for one or two semesters. Visiting students may take up to 15 credit hours per semester for up to two semesters at our regular tuition rate. These credits can only be applied toward the degree requirement at the visiting student's law school and not toward a degree at Washington and Lee.
An applicant for status as a visiting student must:
(1) Complete an application for admission supplemented by a statement of the reason the applicant desires visiting student status. Please email Admissions for a copy of the visiting student application.
If you are using screen reader software and cannot access the application, you may contact Admissions to request a screen reader version of the application. Applicants who choose to apply via this alternative method will be given full consideration.
(2) Submit a letter of good academic standing from the law school in which the applicant is enrolled as a degree candidate. This letter must include an assurance from the school that credit earned by the applicant as a visiting student at Washington and Lee will be credited toward the degree requirements at that school.
(3) Submit an official transcript from the school in which the applicant is currently enrolled and an unofficial transcript from any other law schools attended.
The deadline for filing an application for visiting student status is July 1 for the fall semester or November 15 for the spring semester. Applications are considered on the basis of student qualification, need for attending W&L Law, and space availability.
Please note that W&L Law's Office of Career Strategy (OCS) cannot provide support for visiting students with their employment search.
Contact Law Admissions at lawadm@wlu.edu.