Being a FirstGen Student at W&L Law
Sixteen percent of Washington and Lee Law's current study body identify as first generation college graduates. The First-Generation Student Union is a peer organization that provides support to first-generation students throughout their law school journey. This organization has a mentorship program, alumni networking events, and Instagram (@fgsu.wlulaw), LinkedIn, and Facebook presence. Below, leaders in FGSU answer questions about this effort.
What is the mission of the organization?
The First-Generation Student Union (FGSU) empowers first-generation law students to excel and feel confident navigating law school and the workforce. As first-generation students ourselves, we understand the value of creating and maintaining a support system for students in this demographic to overcome barriers in the legal community. Our organization accomplishes this through mentorship programs, including one-on-one student mentors, alumni networking events, and social events for mentors and mentees.
Are there events scheduled for each fall and spring?
We host alumni panels, jobs panels about the recruiting process, and networking mixers for our law school mentors and mentees!
Can alumni get involved?
Yes! We have a dedicated alumni committee of second and third-year law students that are reaching out to identify first-generation law school graduates! We have had alumni speak on panels and ultimately hope establish an alumni mentorship program.
Are there mentorship opportunities within the law school or with undergraduates?
Absolutely. During the 2023-2024 school year alone, we had more than 100 2Ls and 3Ls step up to serve as mentors to more than 100 1Ls. The goal is to have ongoing mentorship pairings within the law school, and we have been really successful with building a robust program.
What prompted the creation of this organization?
As first-generation college graduates and law students, there is a deep appreciation for the first-gen mentors we have had and the opportunities provided to bridge the gap in our understanding of how to succeed in law school, what various jobs look like post-law school, and how to get there. We think having this student organization will facilitate an empathetic and empowering community!
How many law students are involved?
We sent a message out to law students the semester before FGSU launched and received an enthusiastic response! By the 2023-2024 school year, we had a more than 150 members. At a small school like W&L, that is an incredible number. Everyone is really excited to support fellow first-gen students in any way we can!
Is there anything else to share about the organization?
We are always open to ideas, collaboration, and questions! Feel free to reach out to us via email with any questions, comments or concerns. Our email address is fgsu.wlu.law@gmail.com.