Class of 2026 Profile


Applications received: 2,022
Class size: 125
Median LSAT: 165
25th and 75th LSAT Percentile: 159/166
Median GPA: 3.72
25th and 75th GPA Percentile: 3.40/3.80
Percentage of students IDing as members of a racial or ethnic minority: 37% of the incoming class.
Percentage of students IDing as domestic students of color: 31%
Percentage of women: 46%
Percentage of first generation college graduates: 21%
Percentage of students IDing as LGBTQ+: 14%
Age range: 20 - 41
Average age: 24
Percentage of students with one or more years of experience since graduating: 59%
Percentage of students IDing as Pell grant eligible while in college: 24%
Percentage of students IDing as first in their families to attend law school: 76%

Geographic Information

Twenty one states, the District of Columbia and six countries (Bahamas, China, Israel, Pakistan, South Korea, and Venezuela) are represented in the incoming class. States with six or more students:

California - 10
Florida - 9
Georgia - 9
Maryland - 8
New Jersey - 6
Pennsylvania - 8
South Carolina - 6
Texas - 11
Virginia - 24

*19% of the incoming students are from Virginia.

Undergraduate Education

Members of the Class of 2026 earned undergraduate degrees from 83 different institutions. Schools with three or more students:

College of the Holy Cross - 3
College of William and Mary - 3
Florida State University - 4
University of California Los Angeles - 3
University of Florida - 4
University of Georgia - 6
University of Maryland - 3
University of South Carolina - 3
University of Texas at Austin - 3
University of Virginia - 4
Villanova University - 3

Undergraduate Majors

Members of the Class of 2026 majored in a variety of subjects during their respective undergraduate years. Majors with five or more students:

Criminal Justice - 5
English - 6
History - 13
Humanities - 5
International Relations - 5
Philosophy - 7
Political Science - 38
Psychology - 5

Hobbies and Interests

The 125 students of the Class of 2026 have a wide variety of background and interests. Six are members of Phi Beta Kappa, one is a Peace Corps alum and five are AmeriCorps alums.  Seven have military service experience. Many of the members of the Class of 2026 are musicians or singers. Three students are Eagle Scouts. Eight students already hold graduate degrees prior to enrollment in law school. Students competed at the collegiate level in many sports, including Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Rowing, Rugby, Soccer, and Track & Field.

50% of the incoming students either completed a legal internship or have other law-related work experience, and 24% have experience with a political campaign. Others studied or worked abroad; consistent with this international orientation, members of the Class of 2026 are proficient in a variety of languages including American Sign Language, Ancient Greek, Arabic, Bosnian, Cantonese, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Kazakh, Kikuyu, Korean, Latin, Latvian, Mandarin Chinese, Montenegrin, Patios, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Serbian, Shanghainese, Sindhi, Spanish, Swahili, Urdu, and Vietnamese. Among their other skills, interests and life experiences are archery, craft beer, puzzles, Taylor Swift, working on a goat farm, baking macaroons, British television, ice hockey, snowboarding, golf, hip-hop dance, salsa dancing, camping, Gothic literature, fantasy football, long distance running, rock climbing, writing poetry, photography, and weightlifting.

*All numbers are accurate as of August 21, 2023. Final official numbers will be confirmed on October 5.