Ways to Give
Online Gifts or Pledges
- Online Gift Form
- For multi-year pledges, use this Online Pledge Form.
We accept MasterCard, VISA, Discover and American Express. Checks can be written to Washington and Lee University and sent to the Washington and Lee School of Law, Lewis Hall 416, 204 West Washington St., Lexington VA 24450-2116.
Stock or Wire Transfer
For information regarding wire transfers and stock transfers, click here.
Recurring Gifts
The Recurring Gift Program is intended to make supporting W&L's Annual Fund more convenient for the donor, and even more beneficial to W&L. This option allows donors to split their total yearly gift into manageable installments (monthly, quarterly, every other month, etc.). Donations can be made from a credit card or checking/savings account. And it allows W&L to immediately put these gifts to work throughout the academic year. To set up a recurring gift, use this online form.
Gifts of Tangible and Intangible Property
You can make your gift to the Law School with real estate, personal property, or life insurance. Almost any type of property-a personal residence, a farm, a vacation home, a commercial building or an undeveloped parcel of land-can constitute a gift. Tangible personal property includes artwork, jewelry, antiques and other physical objects.
Planned Giving
Planned gifts are forward-looking to support the needs of the Law School years into the future. Making a planned gift can create a win-win situation for you, your family, and for Washington and Lee. Planned gifts take many forms, but each will allow you to make a charitable gift to W&L Law, and to provide for your future and your loved ones at the same time. Charitable planning is wise financial planning.
Income Generating Gifts
For many friends and alumni, the desire to make a gift to Washington and Lee's School of Law is coupled with a continuing need for income from those assets. Fortunately, Washington and Lee's planned giving program makes it possible for a donor to achieve both of these objectives and receive substantial tax benefits as well. Life income gifts to the School of Law may take three basic forms: charitable remainder trust, charitable gift annuity and a pooled income fund. Often gifts in one of these forms will actually increase a donor's or beneficiary's income.
Fixed Term Gifts
Charitable lead trusts allow the donor to retain the assets of a trust, while letting the Law School use the assets of a trust for a fixed time period prior to the trust's maturation. The charitable lead trust can be a very powerful tool in gift and estate tax planning, but its complexity requires careful consideration of the technical requirements of this form of gift. For more information, please contact Elizabeth Branner (brannere@wlu.edu) at (540) 458-8191.
Testamentary Gifts
Bequests, retirement income plans, and other estate gifts offer significant tax advantages while allowing donors to make sizeable and important contributions to the future of the Law School. Fortunately, today's federal estate tax laws favor testamentary gifts. With the potential for combined federal estate and state death tax rates reducing significantly the size of an estate, a testamentary gift can be a desirable way to support the School of Law and reduce estate taxes.
For more about planned giving, visit https://plannedgiving.wlu.edu/.