Volunteer, Stay Connected, and Make a Difference!
Law Reunion Volunteer
If you've ever returned to campus for Law Alumni Weekend, then you know the fun that can be had! To make it happen, each of the ten milestone classes require a number of classmates to encourage attendance, assist with event planning, and promote the class gift. For more information, contact Suzanne Wade: swade@wlu.edu
Law Council
Elected members serve for four years on the Council and are invited to serve an additional four as Emeritus members. Law Council's 60 plus members serve as the governing board of the Law Alumni Association; the Council advises the Dean of the Law School on matters related to career strategy, admissions, reputation of the Law School, curriculum, alumni relations, and fundraising. For more information, contact Sarah Hughes: shughes@wlu.edu
Law Young Alumni Council (YAC)
Alumni from the last ten years may register annually to serve on YAC. Service takes into account the time recent grads must take to establish a career and so members can determine their own time commitment to helping the offices of Admissions and Career Strategy. Members may share their own W&L Law experiences with prospective students and/or help job-seeking current students or alumni secure positions or learn more about specific practice areas. Support of the Law Annual Fund and event planning for alumni networking are additional ways in which YAC can help W&L Law and all our alumni. For more information, contact Thomas Culligan: tculligan@wlu.edu
Law Firm Liaisons
The primary role of the Law Firm Liaison is to increase alumni participation in the Annual Fund. By increasing the percentage of participation among W&L undergraduate or Law graduates at your firm, you will help enhance the value of your degrees in an intensely competitive market. Moreover, you will be making a lasting contribution to the unique educational experience provided by Washington and Lee. For more information, contact Joan Miller: jhmiller@wlu.edu
Law Class Agents
If you like to stay current with classmates and see the value of sustaining the mission of the Law School, this volunteer role will likely prove very rewarding. A few times a year, with the support of Law School Advancement, class agents reach out to alumni and invite them to be part of the driving force behind W&L Law progress with a gift to the Law Annual Fund. This peer-to-peer fundraising model has helped us meet or exceed Law Annual Fund goals for many years now, and that's critical considering it covers 10% of yearly operating costs in Lewis Hall. For more information, contact Thomas Culligan: tculligan@wlu.edu