SCORE's Resource Library: a primer
The Resource Library is organized into a number of folders, each containing resources to assist you in executing a job search strategy or professional development plan.
- Application Materials: Guides and Samples houses resources devoted to resumes, cover letters, reference lists, transcripts and writing samples.
- Debt Management Information houses materials describing W&L Law's Shepherd Loan Repayment Assistance Program as well as other resources related to educational debt and debt relief.
- Funding for Summer Positions, Job Search Reimbursement contains information about financial support for unpaid summer positions, and funds available to reimburse the cost of interviewing with public service organizations. Interested in academic credit for a summer internship? Contact Professor Keri Gould, Director of Externships, for information.
- Interview Resources houses interview seminars, worksheets, sample questions, tips for specific practice area interviews, wardrobe guides and the like.
- Job Search Resources host a wide range of other tools to assist you in your search. Materials are collected by practice area, by class year and by geographic location.
- Networking Resources contains tools to help you connect with practicing lawyers including a how-to guide for informational interviews, tipsheets to help you through receptions and conferences and lists of W&L Law alumni.
- OCS Programs houses our PowerPoint presentations and handouts (video of OCS programs is available through Media Services).
- Passwords collects links and login and password information for a variety of online resources.
- Professional Development contains resources to help you understand and develop the skills that distinguish successful lawyers, including Lawcountability, J.D., a weekly skills development program.
- Regional and On-Campus Interview Information contains reference materials for OCS Interview Programs in Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, New York and Washington DC, as well as information on diversity and other specialized job fairs. You can also find current information for these programs here.