Professional Development
At W&L Law, professional development opportunities come through a range of channels. The Office of Career Strategy offers
- self-assessment tools
- informational programs
- skills development seminars on a range of topics
- an online professional skills development tool, Lawcountability, J.D., thorough which students set weekly goals around a variety of career and professional development initiatives
These efforts complement the development of professional skills that takes place by virtue of W&L Law's curricular focus.
A selection of OCS' recent Professional Development programs and events:
- StrengthsFinder assessment and debriefing
- Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument (assessing thinking style with a view to teamwork and workplace management)
- Professional Communications, including discussion of generational differences in the workplace
- Preview of SCOTUS' October Term, followed by case discussions over dinner
- Seminar on Grit and Resilience, including problem analysis facilitated by faculty
- Networking Training, followed by a Networking Reception after a law school symposium
- Managing Social Media
- Developing a Personal Brand
- Goal Setting
Andrea Hilton, Associate Director for Professional Development, coordinates professional development offerings. Contact her at 540.458.8022 or HiltonA@wlu.edu.