Law Center Supported Events
Past Events
Washington and Lee JCRRSJ: Revoking Irrecovable Punishment, February 10-11, 2022
Washington and Lee Law Review's Lara D. Gass Annual Symposium: Centering Intersectionality on Human Rights Discource, March 11, 2022
The Law Center hosted and funded two roundtables. First, the Lutie Lytle and John Mercer Langston Writing Retreat and Workshop, hosted by Professor Carliss Chatman in December 2021; and the second, hosted by Mark Drumbl and Scholar-in-Residence Barbora Hola, entitled "Why Do People Speak to Secret Police", was held in February 2022.
Washington and Lee JCRSJ: Race and the Pandemic, October 29-30, 2020
Washington and Lee JCRSJ: Issues in Federal Sentencing: Privilege, Disparity, and A Way Forward, November 14-15, 2019
Washington and Lee Law Review's Lara D. Gass Annual Symposium: The Changing Role of Delaware in Corporate Governance, March 2020 (cancelled due to coronavirus pandemic)
The Law Center sponsored and assisted with logistics for two roundtables, hosted by Professors Carliss Chatman (Lytle/Langston Mid-Year Regional Writing Workshop); and Chris Seaman (Trade Secrets and Information Policy). Two additional roundtables were approved by the Law Center Committee and scheduled for spring 2020 but had to be postponed, with funding carried over to the 2020-2021 academic year.
Other Events:
The Law Center co-sponsored the W&L Law Fall Scholarship Celebration organized by the Law Library on October 15, 2019, which helped showcase recent scholarly accomplishments by W&L Law faculty, administration, and students.
On February 4, 2020, the Law Center sponsored a book event for Mark Drumbl's new co-edited book, "Research Handbook on Child Soldiers."
A second book event for Michelle Drumbl's new book, "Tax Credits for the Working Poor: A Call for Reform," was scheduled for March 16, 2020, but had to be postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak.
Washington and Lee JCRSJ: Always With Us? Poverty, Taxes, and Social Policy, November 2, 2018
Washington and Lee Law Review's Lara D. Gass Annual Symposium: Civil Rights and Shareholder Activism, February 15, 2019
The Law Center sponsored and assisted with logistics for four roundtables. The first roundtable, entitled the Montpelier Comparative Constitutional Law Roundtable, was led by Russ Miller in October 2018. The second roundtable, organized by Mark Drumbl on post-conflict justice, also was held in October 2018.The third roundtable, entitled "Big Data Research Colloquium," was led by Margaret Hu and held in April 2019. The fourth roundtable, the ASIL-Southeast Junior Scholar Workshop, was organized by Kish Parella and co-sponsored by the American Society of International Law ("ASIL") and held in May 2019.
Other Events:
The Law Center co-sponsored a public lecture by Cathy O'Neil, the New York Times-bestselling author of "Weapons of Math Destruction," entitled "How Big Data Promotes Inequality and Threatens Democracy", on October 24, 2018.
The Law Center co-sponsored a public lecture "A Conversation About Reconciling Our History," by the Rev. Robert W. Lee IV, author of a new book entitled "A Sin by Any Other Name: A Reckoning With the South's Past" and a descendent of former W&L President Robert E. Lee, that also involved a Q&A session by W&L history Professor Ted Delaney and moderated by our own Carliss Chatman, on March 28, 2019.
Washington and Lee JCRSJ: Big Data: Understanding Algorithmic Power, March 30, 2017
Washington and Lee Law Review's Lara D. Gass Annual Symposium: President Trump's Executive Orders and Emergent Issues in Immigration Enforcement, February 2, 2018
Washington and Lee JCRSJ: Taking the Pulse: Understanding the Complexities of Healthcare Law, November 10, 2017
The Law Center sponsored and assisted with logistics for three roundtables.The first roundtable, led by Kish Parella, was held in September 2017 on "The Information Effects of Litigation."
The second, entitled "The Lastowka Cyberlaw Colloquium" (named in memory of Greg Lastowka, a leading cyberlaw scholar), was organized by Josh Fairfield and held in April 2018.
The third roundtable, organized by Margaret Hu and Sarah Haan, focused on election integrity and voting rights and was held in June 2018.
Other Events:
The Law Center sponsored a talk and reception for Visiting Professor of Law Todd Peppers, who gave a presentation on his recently-published book, "A Courageous Fool: Marie Deans and Her Struggle Against the Death Penalty" (with co-author Margaret A. Anderson), on November 1, 2017.
As part of the University-wide celebration of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Law Center funded a visit and presentation by Prof. Sonia Katyal of the University of California-Berkeley Law School entitled "The Fire Next Time: Resistance in Three Dimensions," on January 15, 2018.
Panel discussion on voting rights and election law entitled "Shaw v. Renoat 25" on January 18, 2018; participants included Prof. Atiba Ellis (West Virginia University College of Law), Prof. Martha Kropf (University of North Carolina at Charlotte Department of Political Science), Mr. Dorian L. Spence (Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law), and Mark Rush (Washington and Lee University Politics Department).
The Washington and Lee Law Review's Lara D. Gass Annual Symposium: "Corporate Law, Governance, and Purpose: A Tribute to the Scholarship of Lyman Johnson and David Millon,", October 21-22, 2016.
Washington and Lee Institute for Honor: From Redcoats to Spies and Beyond: Lawyers and Infamous Clients, March 13-14, 2017
Professor Kish Parella hosted "Private Governance and Public Norms", October 12-14, 2016
Other Events:
Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg to Speak at VMI and W&L Law, February 1, 2017. A joint effort between Washington and Lee University School of Law and Virginia Military Institute on Wednesday brought Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to Lexington, where she addressed an audience of thousands in the morning, and had law students lining up three hours in advance for a private Q&A session in the afternoon.
The Distinguished Visitor Lecture Series:
- Judge Hoette, Duesseldorf Administrative Court - "The Refugee Crisis as a Crisis for German Justice", October 28, 2016 Co-Sponsored Event - Frances Lewis Law Center & German Law Journal
- Ivan Fong, Senior Vice President, Legal Affairs and General Counsel of 3M Co.-"Off the Record: Life as Outside, Government, and Inside Counsel", September 15, 2016
Public Lecture Series:
- Professor Jamie Benidickson, University of Ottawa Faculty of Law, October 21, 2016
The Washington and Lee Law Review's Lara D. Gass Annual Symposium: From Conviction to Clemency: Commonwealth v. Giarratano, a Case Study in the Modern Death Penalty, Feb. 5-6, 2016
Washington and Lee JCRSJ: Policing in America: Powers and Accountability, Jan. 29, 2016
The Law Center sponsored and assisted with logistics for two roundtables, one for tax scholars, hosted by Professor Brant Hellwig, and another for international business scholars, hosted by Professor Kish Parella.
Other Events:
Public Lecture Series:
- Professor Winnifred Sullivan, Indiana University: "Politics of Religious Freedom Today: At Home and Abroad", October 26, 2015
- Ambassador David Shinn, "China and Africa: An Evolving Relationship", October 22, 2015
Washington and Lee Law Review Lara D. Gass Annual Symposium: Cyber Surveillance in the Post-Snowden Age, Jan. 23-24, 2015
Washington and Lee JCRSJ: The 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, Feb. 19-20, 2015
Washington and Lee Journal of Energy, Climate, and the Environment: Corporate Social Responsibility in Protecting Water Resources, Feb. 13, 2015
The Law Center sponsored and assisted with logistics for two roundtables, one for third party litigation finance, hosted by Professor Victoria Shannon, and another for international business transactions scholars, hosted by Professor Kish Vinyagamoorthy.
Other Events:
Law Center co-sponsored with the Roger Mudd Center for Ethics the October 2014 visit of Charles Ogletree, of Harvard Law School, who gave a lecture and attended a luncheon at the Law School.
Washington and Lee JCRSJ: Emerging Issues in Child Welfare, Feb. 28, 2014
Multiple Washington and Lee Law School Organizations: False Confessions: The True Story, Jan. 30-31, 2014
Washington and Lee Law Review: Roe at 40: The Controversy Continues, Nov. 7-8, 2013
Washington and Lee Law Review: Gideon at 50, Nov. 9-10, 2012
Smashing the Machine: The Troubled Legacy of Kantorowicz's KAMPF, Sept. 9-10, 2012
Washington and Lee Law Review: Regulation in the Fringe Economy, Nov. 10-11, 2011
Co-sponsored with the Washington and Lee Law Review and the American Law Institute: Restitution Rollout: The Restatement (Third) of Restitution and Unjust Enrichment, Feb. 25, 2011
Co-sponsored with UNCTAD: International Investment Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution, Mar. 29, 2010
Washington and Lee JCRSJ: Violence on Campus: Students Who are a Danger to Self or Others and Appropriate Institutional Responses, Nov. 6, 2009
Washington and Lee JCRSJ: Reproductive and Sexual Health and the African Women's Protocol, Apr. 3, 2009
Protecting The Virtual Playground, Oct. 3, 2008
Washington and Lee JCRSJ: A Queer Definition of Equality, Feb. 29, 2008
Lewis F. Powell - A Century Milestone, Sept. 17, 2007
Washington and Lee JCRSJ: Race and Class in the 21st Century Through the Lens of Hurricane Katrina, Apr. 13, 2007
In Honor of Lewis F. Powell, Jr., Apr. 6, 2007
Gender Relevant Legislative Change in Muslim and Non-Muslim Countries, Mar. 30-31, 2007
Understanding Corporate Law Through History, Mar. 24, 2006