Christopher Whelan Adjunct Professor of Law
Phone: 540-458-8483
Email: whelanc@wlu.edu
Office: 436 Lewis Hall
Christopher Whelan
Areas of Expertise/Classes Taught
Intro to European Union Law Seminar
LLB, London School of Economics
PhD, London School of Economics
Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California at Berkeley 1975-76; Senior Research Officer in Law, University of Oxford Centre for Socio-Legal Studies and Member of the University of Oxford Faculty of Law, 1977-86; Visiting Professor of Law, University of Texas School of Law, 1982-83; Senior Strom Thurmond Distinguished Visitor Chair, University of South Carolina School of Law, Spring, Summer 1985; Lecturer in Law, University of Warwick, 1986-90; Senior Lecturer in Law, 1990-2000; Visiting Professor of Law, Ohio State, University, Spring 2000; Associate Director, International Law Programmes, University of Oxford and Member, Faculty of Law, 2000-; Frances Lewis Scholar-in-Residence, Washington & Lee University, Spring 2005; Visiting Professor of Law, Washington & Lee University School of Law, 2006-; Visiting Lecturer, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, Germany 2007-, Barrister, Three Paper Buildings.