Lua Yuille Adjunct Professor of Law

Phone: 540-458-8500


Office: Lewis Hall 474

Areas of Expertise/Classes Taught

Skills Immersion - Business


BA, The Johns Hopkins University

JD, Columbia University


Lua Yuille teaches in the Skills Immersion - Business experiential program at the Washington and Lee University School of Law. She is also Professor of Law and Business and Associate Dean for Research and Interdisciplinary Education at Northeastern University School of Law in Boston, Massachusetts.

In her academic career, Yuille has held appointments at the University of Kansas, Emory University, the University of Wisconsin, and the University of Oregon. Her interdisciplinary scholarship draws into conversation property law, heterodox economics, business law, critical pedagogy and group identity. She teaches a wide range of law school and business school courses, including Property, Trusts and Estates, Business Organizations, Securities Regulation, and International Human Rights.

Yuille is fluent in Spanish and Italian, and in addition to her Juris Doctor from Columbia holds a Graduate Diploma in International Studies (EU-Latin American Relations) from the Johns Hopkins University.