Tiffany Lee Adjunct Professor of Law
Phone: 540-458-5349
Email: tlee@wlu.edu
Office: 472 Lewis Hall
Tiffany Lee
Areas of Expertise/Classes Taught
Disability Law Seminar
Bioethics Seminar
Healthcare Law
BA, University of Missouri
MA, University of Kansas
JD, Washington and Lee University
Tiffany Lee teaches Latin at Community School, an independent school for ages 3 to 14 in Roanoke, Virginia. Lee has also served as an adjunct faculty member for several universities including Averett University, American National University, Rasmussen College, and Washington and Lee University, teaching courses in healthcare law, ethics, criminal law, and business law. She is a consultant to the Emirates Society for Emergency Medicine, providing research and policy support to enact a Good Samaritan law in the United Arab Emirates, and to TrekMedics, International, providing legal research and policy guidance on international laws impacting the use of alternative 911 systems in developing countries. Lee also held positions with the Disability Law Center of Virginia and the Best Friends Animal Society in Utah.