Samuel W. Calhoun Robert O. Bentley Professor of Law, Emeritus
Phone: 540-548-8527
Email: calhouns@wlu.edu
Office: 453 Lewis Hall
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Samuel Calhoun
Areas of Expertise
Contracts, Commercial Transactions, Abortion Controversy
BA, 1971, Harvard College
JD, 1974, University of Georgia
Admitted to practice in Georgia, 1974; associate, King & Spalding, Atlanta, 1974-76; Visiting Assistant Professor of Law, University of Wyoming, 1976-77; Assistant Professor of Law, University of Puget Sound, 1977-78; Assistant Professor of Law, 1978-82; Associate Professor of Law, 1982-91; Professor of Law, Washington and Lee University, 1991-; Law Alumni Association Fellow in Teaching Excellence, 2003-04; John W. Elrod Law Alumni Association Fellow in Teaching Excellence, 2007-08; Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, 2013-16; Class of 1960 Professor of Ethics and Law, 2016-2019; Robert O. Bentley Professor of Law, 2019- .
Recent Publications
Justice Lewis F. Powell's Baffling Vote in Roe v. Wade (Samuel W. Calhoun) Washington and Lee Law Review (2014)
Why Strive for Balance in a Roe Symposium? (Samuel W. Calhoun) Washington and Lee Law Review (2014)
Stopping Philadelphia Abortion Provider Kermit Gosnell and Preventing Others Like Him: An Outcome that Both Pro-Choicers and Pro-Lifers Should Support (Samuel W. Calhoun) Villanova Law Review (2012)
Abraham Lincoln's Religion: The Case for His Ultimate Belief in a Personal, Sovereign God. (Samuel W. Calhoun and Lucas E. Morel) Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association (2012)
"Partial-Birth Abortion" Is Not Abortion: Carhart II's Fundamental Misapplication of Roe (Samuel W. Calhoun) Mississippi Law Journal (2010)
- See Prof. Calhoun's full list of publications at his Scholarly Commons page.