Timothy C. MacDonnell Clinical Professor of Law; Director, Advanced Administrative Litigation Clinic (Black Lung)
Phone: 540-458-8224
Email: macdonnellt@wlu.edu
Office: 106 Lewis Hall
Publications & Research • High Res Photo
Tim MacDonnell
Areas of Expertise
Administrative Law, Black Lung, Criminal Law
BA, 1987, University of Massachusetts
JD, 1994, Suffolk University
LLM, 1999, U.S. Army Judge Advocate General's School
LLM, 2007, University of Virginia
Tim MacDonnell is the Director of the Advanced Administrative Litigation Clinic (Black Lung) which represents former coal miners and their surviving family members as they pursue federal black lung benefits. In addition to supervising the Advanced Administrative Litigation Clinic, Professor MacDonnell teaches Investigative Criminal Procedure and Advocacy. His scholarship focuses on the Fourth Amendment, advocacy, and patient rights.
Prior to joining W&L in 2008, Professor MacDonnell was an officer in the United States Army for 21 years. While in the Army Professor MacDonnell held the following positions: Stinger Platoon Leader, 3-62 ADA; 10th MTN Div. Ft. Drum NY; Battery Executive Officer, 3-62 ADA, 10th MTN Div.; Infantry Brigade Liaison Officer, 3-62 ADA, 10th MTN Div.; Trial Counsel, Republic of Korea 1995; Chief, Administrative Law Division, Ft. Eustis, VA, 1996; Chief, Criminal Law Division, Ft. Eustis, VA 1996-1998; Special Assistant United States Attorney, Norfolk, VA, 1997-1998; Associate Professor, Criminal Law Division, United States Army Judge Advocate General's School, 1999-2002; Assistant Director United States Army Trial Counsel Assistance Program, 2002-2005; Staff Attorney, Office of the Judge Advocate General, Criminal Law Division, 2005-2007; Regime Crimes Liaison Office, Legal Advisor to the Iraqi High Tribunal, Baghdad, Iraq, 2007-2008.
Recent Publications
Disciplining Doctors: A Call for Caution When Responding to Physicians' Counter-Consensus Speech in the Time of COVID-19, 90 Tenn. L. Rev. 865 (2023).
Making an Offer that Can't be Refused: The Need for Reform In the Rules Covering Informed Consent and Doctor-Patient Agreements, 67 Vill. L. Reve. 509 (2022)
Practical Truth: The Value of Apparent Honesty in Supreme Court Opinions, 69 Cath. U. L. Rev. 247 (2020).
When Less is More-SWAT and Procedural Justice, 23 WASH & LEE J. CIV. RTS. & SOC. JUST. 135 (2016).
The Rhetoric of the Fourth Amendment: Toward a More Persuasive Fourth Amendment, 75 WASH. & LEE L. REV. 1869 (2016).
Justice Scalia's Fourth Amendment: Text, Context, and Occasional Faint-Hearted Originalism, 3 VA. J. CRIM. L. 175 (2015).
Foreword, TONGUE-TIED AMERICA, 2nd Edition (Wolters Kluwer 2014).
Florida v. Jardines: The Wolf at the Castle Door, 7 NYU J. L. & LIBERTY 1, (2012).
Book Chapter: Prosecuting in the Military, THE PROSECUTOR IN TRANSNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE (Oxford University Press, Erik Luna & Marianne Wade, eds.) 2012.
Orwellian Ramifications: The Contraband Exception to the Fourth Amendment, 41 U. MEMPHIS L. REV. 299 (2010).
- See Prof. MacDonnell's full list of publications at his Publications & Research page.