Brian Murchison Charles S. Rowe Professor of Law
Phone: 540-458-8511
Email: murchisonb@wlu.edu
Office: 433 Lewis Hall
SSRN • Publications & Research
Brian Murchison
Area of Expertise
First Amendment, Mass Media, Torts
BA, 1974, Yale University
JD, 1979, Yale University
Professor Brian C. Murchison joined Washington and Lee in 1982. His teaching and scholarship focus on administrative law, mass media law, jurisprudence, torts, and contemporary problems in law and journalism. Professor Murchison's articles have appeared in a variety of law and scholarly publications, including the Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts, the Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, the North Carolina Law Review, the Georgia Law Review and the Emory Law Journal.
At W&L Law, Professor Murchison has served as interim Dean, director of the Frances Lewis Law Center, and supervising attorney in the Black Lung Legal Clinic, in addition to service on numerous law school and university committees.
Admitted to practice, Washington, D.C.; Peace Corps, Benin, West Africa, 1974-76; associate, Hamel, Park, McCabe and Saunders, Washington, D.C., 1979-82; ACUS-USIA Rule of Law in Africa Program, Ghana, 1995; Assistant Professor of Law, Washington and Lee University, 1982-86; Associate Professor of Law, 1986-90; Professor of Law, 1990-91; Professor of Law and Director of Frances Lewis Law Center, 1991-94; Professor of Law and Supervising Attorney Black Lung Clinic, 1996-1999; Professor of Law, 1994-2002; Charles S. Rowe Professor of Law, 2002-. Acting Dean, School of Law, 2006-2007. Research Visitor, University of Melbourne Law School, 2007, 2009.
Recent Publications
The Visibility Value of the First Amendment, 26 Wm. & Mary Bill of Rights J. 995 (2018).
Speech and the Truth-Seeking Value (Brian C Murchison) Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts (2015)
Anonymous Speech on the Internet (Brian C Murchison) Amateur Media: Social, Cultural and Legal Perspectives (2013)
Reflections on Breach of Confidence from the U.S. Experience (Brian C Murchison) Media & Arts Law Review (2010)