Below are policies regarding the circulation and collection of materials, electronic resource access, and use of facilities within the Law Library. Please also refer to W&L's Law School Policies, which are to be observed in the Library.
Borrowing/Circulation Policy
All patrons have access to the Law Library's full print collection. Archival materials, microforms, loose-leaf materials, session laws, codes, digests, etc. may not be removed from the Law School building.
To check out an item, either visit the Circulation Desk (Level 3) or use the W&L Meescan mobile app to check out an item anytime, anyplace in the Library using your phone. Download the app from Apple App Store for iPhone or Google Play for Android, or scan the QR code posted throughout the Library. Patrons may also use the self-service Meescan station at the Circulation Desk at any time to check out materials, which does not require the mobile app.
Please return or renew items prior to their due date and promptly return items when recalled. You may verify or renew your checked-out materials though your Library Account online or by contacting the Circulation Desk. Adjustments to circulation periods may occur during exam periods, holidays and academic breaks.
Loan Periods
General Collection (Levels 1A & 1), Federal Documents (Level 1A), History Room (Level 2), and Career Strategy, Recreation, New Faculty Publications, and New Titles (Level 3):
- Faculty and Staff: 365 days with two automatic renewals
- Students: 90 days with two renewals
- Local Patrons: 14 days with one renewal
Bar Success Collection (Level 3): As above, except May 1 to July 31: 48 hours with two renewals
Power Supplies and Chargers (Circulation Desk): 4 hours with two renewals
Reserve Room (Level 3): 48 hours with two renewals
Course Reserves (Reserve Room, Level 3): 2 hours with no renewals
Main Reading Room Materials (Level 3A): 48 hours with two renewals
Overdue Materials
Failure to return library materials will generate a Final Notice, at which point the replacement cost of the item is due. If the item is returned, the replacement cost will be waived. If circumstances prevent the timely return of materials, please contact Milea Webb at MWebb@wlu.edu or 540-458-8552.
Interlibrary Loans (ILL)
Current W&L Law students, faculty, and staff may request Interlibrary loans (ILL) -- either physical/printed materials or digital documents -- using our online ILL Form. Patrons are responsible for returning physical ILL items on or before the due date indicated on their attached cover sheets.
By taking delivery of ILL materials, patrons agree to return the materials to the W&L Law Library on or before the indicated due date, and agree to pay any overdue fees, replacement costs, or processing fees assessed by the lending library for any late items and/or items returned in damaged or incomplete condition. Patrons also acknowledge that failure to return ILL material timely and in proper condition may result in the suspension or termination of their borrowing privileges with the W&L Law Library.
Electronic Databases Policy
Access to electronic databases is governed by license agreements with the vendors. Many databases are accessible to all users physically located on the W&L campus; however, Westlaw, LexisNexis, and Bloomberg Law require individual passwords, which are issued to law faculty, staff, and students upon arrival. For law students, these passwords are valid for three years, while for law faculty and staff, they remain active for the duration of employment, subject to certain limitations.
Noise, Food, Drink, and Property Policy
The Law Library is an open study space. Please be respectful of others and keep volumes at a reasonable level; noise in the building will carry. Pay attention to areas that are designated as quiet spaces.
Eating and drinking are permitted in the Law Library, however leaving food items or waste is prohibited at all times in all locations.
The Law Library is not responsible for your items. Do not leave personal property or library materials you are using unsecured overnight.
Main Reading Room Reservation Policy
The Law Library's Main Reading Room and adjacent areas may be reserved to hold events, subject to availability and other conditions. Please review the information below before completing the Event Reservation Form. Contact Andrew Christensen at ChristensenA@wlu.edu or 540-458-8554 with any questions or to submit your completed form.
Reservable Locations
- Main Reading Room: Floor 3A of the library.
- Reading Room Loft: Floor 3 of the library near the Immigrant Rights Clinic.
- Requests for locations other than the Main Reading Room and the Reading Room Loft are considered on a case-by-case basis, but in general, other library locations are not available for reservation.
- The Main Reading Room is available for events after 4:00 pm on weekdays and beginning at 9:00 am on the weekends during the school year.
- Events are not permitted to take place during reading days, exam periods, or University closures.
- The scheduling of events during the summer is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
- Whenever possible, please refrain from relocating the tables from their existing positions. The chairs are free to be rearranged as needed.
- In the event that it becomes necessary to move the tables, please request that Facilities handle this task with care, avoiding any dragging that could cause damage to the carpet.
- When rearranging or bringing in furniture, ensure that all emergency exits remain unobstructed at all times.
- Every Facilities request should include a takedown time scheduled for the morning following the event. If the event takes place over the weekend, please arrange for the takedown to occur on Monday morning.
- Catering, including all related items such as plates, cups, food, and drinks, whether provided by W&L or outside vendors, should be thoroughly cleaned up at the conclusion of the event.
- Notify Andrew Christensen of any accidents, including spills involving food or beverages.
- In the event that any Facilities fees are incurred, they will be billed directly to the department or organization responsible for the event.
Collection Development Policies
The W&L Law Library Collection Development Policy was revised most recently in 2024. The goal of the Collection Development Policy is to document the current collection philosophies, policies, and practices for the Law Library.
The Lewis F. Powell, Jr. Archives have a separate collection development policy. Growth of the Archives collection is achieved primarily through donation. The Powell Archives is highly selective in accepting additional donations. Donors are encouraged to review the Lewis F. Powell, Jr. Archives Collection Development Policy. Please direct any questions to the archivist, Jenny Mitchell, at powell@wlu.edu.