Other Manuscript Collections
Listed below are the other collections of personal papers held by this repository in addition to those of Justice Powell.
Baker Jr., Newton D. Collection, 1902-1938: #0020
Newton Deihl Baker, Jr. (1871-1937) completed his law degree at W&L Law in 1894. He served as Mayor of Cleveland from 1912-1916 and as Secretary of War under President Woodrow Wilson. The collection includes scrapbooks documenting Baker’s life as well as papers and printed materials from his time as Secretary of War.
Butler, M. Caldwell, Papers, 1972-1982; 1995-1997: #0004
Manley Caldwell Butler (1925-2014) was a lawyer and politician from Roanoke, Virginia. He served in the Virginia House of Delegates and as Congressman for the 6th District. While serving on the Judiciary Committee, Butler participated in the impeachment action against President Richard M. Nixon. Papers include campaign materials, correspondence, scrapbooks, photographs, and legislative and committee files from Butler’s time in Congress.
Clarke, J. Calvitt, Papers, 1943-1999: #0016
Joseph Calvitt Clarke, Jr. (1920-2004) was a lawyer, politician, and United States district judge. Papers include U.S. District Court case files as well as correspondence, subject files, political memorabilia, and photographs. The papers of Joseph Calvitt Clarke, Sr. are also present and primarily relate to the foundation and work of the Christian Children’s Fund.
Compton A. Christian, Papers, 1960-1999: #0017
Asbury Christian Compton (1929-2006) was an American attorney and judge who served on the Supreme Court of Virginia. Papers include case files and subject files relating to Compton’s service on the Board of Trustees for Washington and Lee University.
Davis, John W. Collection, 1888-1953: #0011
John William Davis (1873-1955) was a politician, diplomat, and lawyer from Clarksburg, West Virginia. The collection is primarily composed of class and lecture notes from Davis's time as a student and law professor at Washington and Lee University. Memorabilia, artifacts, and photographs from Davis's time as U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain are also present.
Groot, Roger D. Collection, 1988-2005: #0021
Roger Groot (1942-2005) was a law professor nationally recognized for his expertise in criminal law. The collection includes correspondence, subject files, and posthumous tributes.
Hoffman, Walter E. Papers, 1954-1992: #0015
Walter Edward Hoffman (1907-1996) was a U.S. District Court judge and active member of the Virginia Republican Party. Papers include correspondence, subject files, speeches, case files, and opinions. Records of Hoffman's service in professional associations including the Judicial Conference of the United States are also present.
Laughlin, Charles Vaill. Papers, 1940-1983: #0005
Charles Vaill Laughlin (1907-1985) was an attorney, military veteran, and faculty member at the W & L law school. Papers consist of records of Laughlin's military service as well as his activities as a faculty member in the law school, including research files on the history of legal education in Virginia. Case files are present from Laughlin's clerkship with Judge H. Emory Widener and his work with the U.S. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service.
Parker, Frank R. Papers, 1963-1997: #0009
Frank Ruff Parker III (1940-1997) was a civil rights attorney and law professor. Papers include correspondence, subject and case files relating to Parker's work with the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law as well as research and teaching files.
Powell, Josephine Rucker, Papers, 1929-1996: #0014
Josephine Rucker Powell (1911-1996) was the wife of Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr. She was active in a number of cultural and community activities. Papers document the personal and social life of Mrs. Powell and her spouse.
Powell, Jr. Lewis F. Collection, 1937-1999: #0002
Collection of materials related to the life and work of Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr. acquired by the Powell Archives.
Ray, Robert W. Papers, 1994-2001: #0010
Robert William Ray (1960- ) is an alumnus of Washington and Lee University School of Law. From 1999 to 2002 worked for the Office of the Independent Counsel on investigations of President William J. Clinton; materials all relate to those investigations.
Ritz, Wilfred J. Papers, 1955-1985: #0006
Wilfred Julius Ritz (1915-1995) was an alumnus and faculty member at Washington and Lee University School of Law. Papers include subject and research files.
Ryland, Walter H. Brief, 1968-2003: #0018
Walter "Rusty" Ryland (1943- ) was an alumnus of Washington and Lee University School of Law. Ryland worked for the Virginia Attorney General's office before entering private practice with the Richmond firm Williams Mullen. The collection comprises bound records and briefs from Ryland's legal career.
Sharp, Stephen, Papers, 1969-1980: #0007
Stephen A. Sharp (1947- ) worked for the Federal Communications Commission and as Associate Minority Counsel for the 1974 Presidential Impeachment Inquiry. Papers include files from the Tennessee gubernatorial campaign of Winfield Dunn as well as research materials on the Fairness Doctrine from Sharp's time with the FCC. The bulk of the collection comprises files from the U.S. House Judiciary Committee's investigations of Richard Nixon Presidential campaign financing.
Steinheimer, Jr., Roy L. Papers, 1968-1992: #0023
Roy L. Steinheimer, Jr. (1916-2015) was dean of the Washington and Lee University School of Law from 1968 to 1983 and continued to serve on the faculty until 1999. Papers include biographical materials, speeches, and teaching materials from courses on consumer protection and commercial transactions. Steinheimer's publications and bound cases and points are also present.
Tucker, Henry St. George, Collection, 1874-1933: #0013
Henry St. George Tucker III (1853-1932) was an alumnus and dean for Washington and Lee University School of Law. He served in Congress from 1889-1897 and again from 1922 until his death in 1932. Collection is primarily printed material including speeches made by Tucker while serving in Congress. A commonplace book for lawyers filled in by Tucker and his son, John R. Tucker is also present.
Tucker, Jr. John H. Papers 1916-1946: #0008
John H. Tucker, Jr. (1891-1984) was an attorney from Shreveport, Louisiana. He served in both World Wars and founded the Louisiana Law Institute. Papers primarily document Tucker's career in the military including orders and training materials from World War I as well as a diary, memoranda, and photographs from Camp Beauregard during World War II.
Tucker, John Randolph, Collection, 1881-1899: #0022
John Randolph Tucker (1823-1897) was a lawyer, author, and politician. He served as the first dean of the Washington and Lee University School of Law. Collection consists of correspondence mostly written by John Randolph Tucker.
Turk, James C. Papers, 1972-2014: #0019
James Clinton Turk (1923-2014) was an alumnus and judge for the Western District of Virginia. Papers include correspondence, speeches, subject files, and opinions.
Washington and Lee University School of Law Collection: #003
Collection is composed of small, unrelated manuscript collections relating to the history of the School of Law and its alumni.
All of the manuscript collections held by the Powell Archives have XML/EAD encoded finding aids. This was made possible by the Virginia Heritage Project Task Force of the Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA) and funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.