Lewis F. Powell, Jr. Papers

The Lewis F. Powell Jr. Papers, like all of the the manuscript collections held by the Powell Archives, has an XML/EAD encoded finding aid. The encoding was made possible by the Virginia Heritage Project Task Force of the Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA) and was funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Powell, Lewis F. Jr. Papers, 1921-1998: #0001 

Supplementary inventories of specific portions of the Powell Papers, including a listing of all Supreme Court case files and alphabetical listings of Powell correspondents, are listed below. 

Series 2.1.1: Correspondence, 1932-1971

Series 3.1.3: World War II Correspondence in bound volumes, 1943-1947

Series 2.1.2:

"Get Well" Correspondence, 1956

"Get Well" Correspondence, 1967

"Get Well" Correspondence, 1979

Correspondence re National Defense, 1957-1971

Series 10.1 (part): Supreme Court Nomination Congratulations, 1971-1972

Series 10.2.1: General Correspondence, 1972-1987

Series 10.2.2: Correspondence with Associate Justices, 1972-1987

Series 10.6: Supreme Court Case Files, 1972-1987

Supreme Court Opinions Written by Powell - alphabetical by title

Supreme Court Opinions Written by Powell - by subject

Series Slip Opinions Annotated by Justice Powell

Series 11.1.1: Retirement -- General Correspondence, 1987-1998

Series 11.6.1: 4th Circuit Case Files, 1987-1995

Series 11.6.2: 11th Circuit Case Files, 1989-1991

Series 11.9.2: Justice Powell's Death and Funeral

Separated Materials: Justice Powell's Chambers and Personal Library

Related Collections

Two collections especially complementary to the Powell Papers are the papers of Powell's spouse of over sixty years, Josephine Rucker Powell and the Lewis F. Powell, Jr. Collection. The later comprises all of the small donations and the materials pertaining to Powell collected by the Powell Archives.

Powell, Josephine Rucker. Papers, 1929-1996: #014
Washington and Lee University School of Law

Powell, Lewis F. Collection, 1937-1999: #002
Washington and Lee University School of Law