Scholar-in-Residence Program
The Law Center has a long history of hosting distinguished legal scholars through the Frances Lewis Scholar-in-Residence program. The Scholar-in-Residence is a distinguished faculty member with a national or international reputation who is on sabbatical (or similar leave) from his or her home institution. During the visit, which may be a semester or a full academic year in length, the Scholar-in-Residence is engaged in a substantial scholarly project. The Scholar-in-Residence also is invited and encouraged to participate in the intellectual life of the Law School, including attending our regular faculty workshop series and other scholarship-related events, presenting the Scholar-in-Residence's own scholarship in a public presentation and/or faculty workshop, and potentially collaborating with members of our faculty on scholarly projects.
Previous Appointments
Lisa A. Tucker is a Professor of Law at the Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law, where she has been a member of the faculty since 2007. Her scholarship focuses on the "underdogs" in family law, or those family members whose interests are underrecognized, undervalued, and underrepresented. Professor Tucker is also an expert on the United States Supreme Court and has published numerous articles in scholarly journals and the mainstream media about the Court as an institution. Her work has been published in the Duke Law Journal, the Washington University Law Review, the North Carolina Law Review, the Florida Law Review, the Indiana Law Journal, the BYU Law Review, the University of Chicago Law Review Online, the Georgetown Law Journal Online, and many more. She is also the editor of the acclaimed Hamilton and the Law: Reading Today's Most Contentious Legal Issues through the Hit Musical. Professor Tucker is a member of the American Law Institute.
Maryam Danesh has ten years of experience in the areas of anti-corruption, rule of law, women's rights, and democracy and elections. She is a member of the Afghanistan Independent Bar Association (AIBA) and worked as an anti-corruption expert at the Presidential Palace of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan until 2021. Ms. Danesh has an B.A. in Law and Political Science from Herat University and an LL.M. from Ohio Northern University College of Law.
Professor Ebenezer Durojaye is a Professor of and Head of the Socio-Economic Rights Project at the Dullah Omar Institute, University of the Western Cape in South Africa. He is a prolific scholar who has written or edited ten books and numerous journal articles related to health, poverty, and socio-economic rights in Africa. In addition, Professor Durojaye has been actively involved in assisting and advising various United Nations and African Commission entities on human rights issues. While at W&L, Professor Durojaye will be working on a book manuscript entitled The Right to Health: An African Perspective, which will explore the contributions that the African human rights system has made to the development of norms concerning the right to health, including sexual and reproductive health.
Professor Barbora Holá is an award winning empirical legal scholar of international repute whose teaching and research focuses on international criminal justice, transitional justice after mass atrocities, and etiology of collective violence. During her visit as the Scholar-in-Residence, Barbora will be together with Prof. Mark Drumbl working on a manuscript entitled ‘Getting' Collaborators: Stories and Sentiments Starting in Communist Prague (under contract with OUP). Using original archival material and oral histories of (former) collaborators, the book explores processes of informing to authorities in repressive times and considers what transitional justice should do with informers after repression ends.
Professor Matthew Shaw of Vanderbilt Law School (with a joint appointment with Vanderbilt's Peabody College of education and human development). Professor Shaw's teaching and research focuses on educational law and policy, particularly as it affects underrepresented and disadvantaged groups. During his time as Scholar-in-Residence, Professor Shaw focused on a law review article entitled "The Educational Equities of Plyler v. Doe." As part of this project, Professor Shaw utilized the Powell Archives to examine Justice Powell's education law jurisprudence.
Professor D. Wendy Greene is an award-winning anti-discrimination scholar whose work on misperception discrimination and grooming code discrimination has been widely cited and relied on by federal courts, administrative law judges, and state and local legislatures. As part of her visit to W&L, Professor Greene gave a presentation in November 2019 to the University community entitled "#FreeTheHair: How Black Hair is Making Civil Rights Laws Right," which discussed her work combating race-based discrimination faced by African descendants when they don natural hairstyles, as well as municipal, state, and federal legal reforms like the C.R.O.W.N. Act that seek to redress this systematic form of racial discrimination.
Professor Kristin Johnson is nationally recognized as a leading scholar of financial markets regulation with research and teaching expertise in the areas of securities regulation, corporate governance, risk management, compliance, and innovative financial technology, including digital financial products and markets. During her visit as the Scholar-in-Residence, Professor Johnson taught a course on Securities Regulation.
Charles Ngwena, University of Pretoria
Qudsia Mirza, University of London
Eoin O'Dell, Trinity College of Dublin
Jeremy Sarkin, University of Lisbon
Neville R. Cox, Trinity College of Dublin
Chistopher J. Whelan, Oxford
Nicholas Bamforth, Queens College, Oxford
David Richards, NYU
Malgosia Fitzmaurice, University of London
David Bruck, Washington and Lee
Andrew Huxley, University of London
Peggy Cooper Davis, NYU
Hilary Charlesworth, Australian National University (now U of Melbourne)
Deborah DeMott, Duke
Yvonne Scannell, Trinity College of Dublin
Linda Hirshman, Chicago-Kent
Brian Levack, University of Texas
Lewis Solomon, George Washington University
Joseph M. Perillo, Fordham
Richard Delgado, University of Colorado
John C. McCoid II, University of Virginia
Ferdinand Schoeman, South Carolina
Warren Lehman, Wisconsin
Doug Rendleman, William & Mary
Calvin Woodard, University of Virginia
Christopher Osakwe, Tulane
Roger Cramton, Cornell
Richard Nahstoll, Oregon
Harold J. Berman, Harvard
Victor Rosenblum, Northwestern
Curtis Reitz, University of Pennsylvania
Herbert Fingarette, University of California, Santa Barbara
Thomas L. Shaffer, Notre Dame