About the Library

The Law Library is a physical and intellectual cornerstone of W&L Law, with a collection of over 500,000 print volumes across four floors and a full complement of digital resources to support the Law School's mission. The Assistant Dean of Legal Information Services leads the library team, including three professional law librarians, a certified archivist, and several full- and part-time staff members. The Law Library contributes to the vitality of the Law School through innovative programs, expert reference and research support, and teaching the required Legal Research course for all first-year students. The Law Library is recognized nationally and internationally for its valuable and unique assets for scholars, such as the Lewis F. Powell Jr. Archives and W&L Law Journal Rankings.

The Law Library respects each library user's right to privacy and confidentiality regarding information sought or received and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted, or services provided. The Law Library is available to law faculty, staff and students; other members of the W&L community; the legal profession; and the general public. Computing resources are supplied for the use of W&L students, faculty and staff. Scanners may be used subject to the copyright notice posted at the copy machines.

The Wilbur C. Hall Law Library serves the faculty, students, staff, alumni, and general community of the Washington and Lee University School of Law. The Law Library actively supports the scholarly and educational mission of the Law School by offering high-quality library services through knowledge, expertise, and resources.

The vision of the Wilbur C. Hall Law Library is to provide services that teach our community how to be informed, ethical researchers. We strive to teach the community how to be adaptive to technology in the field of law. We also strive to create an environment that is diverse and inclusive for all patrons. The Law Library being experts in research and information, strives to provide reliable, knowledgeable access to legal information for all patrons.

• Ensure all patrons have access to reliable information.
• Create opportunities for the Law School community to engage in research and information-related programming each semester.
• Train competent, ethical, and effective practitioners.
• Serve as the intellectual hub for the Law School community.

Burks Scholars

The Martin Parks Burks Scholars program brings third-year law students into the first-year legal research and legal writing curriculums as teaching assistants.


The Law Library's collections support and enhance faculty and student research, scholarship, and the educational experience.

History of the Law Library

The Law Library has existed within the School of Law since around 1881 when annual additions were established alongside donations from generous alumni, attorneys and judges within the greater legal community.

Spring Into Summer Success

Offered each spring, this program reinforces the skills necessary for students to be successful in their upcoming summer endeavors.

Research Assistants

The Law Library supports the research needs of the W&L Law faculty and administration with the help of student Research Assistants in two programs: the Andrew W. McThenia Faculty Research Assistants, a pool of second- and third-year law students that provide curated research support for scholarly activities; and the Law Library Research Assistant, a third-year student who assists faculty, librarians, and staff with a range of research tasks and administrative projects.

Student Library Advisory Committee (SLACers)

The W&L Law Library Student Library Advisory Committee (SLACers) provides valuable input to the Library, serving as a sounding board for new services, policies, programming, equipment, collection items, databases, and more.

Library Floor Maps

Information regarding the location of library materials, office space, and study space please see the highlighted portions of the floor maps.


For more information regarding the circulation of materials, electronic resource access, and use of facilities within the Law Library.